Associate your company’s name with the 85h anniversary Glass Problems Conference. The sponsoring organization will receive recognition of their support prior to, during, and after the conference. Exclusive Gold Level Conference sponsorship includes: designation as a Gold Level Conference Sponsor in all sponsorship mechanisms, including meeting website, signage, and printed media.

  • Linked logo on the homepage of the GPC website
  • One page, full-color ad in official GPC 2024 conference guide
  • Two (2) Banners (free-standing) strategically placed in the Convention Center: One in Registration Area, and one in Exhibit area (first floor).
  • Complimentary booth
  • Two (2) complimentary conference registrations
  • Logo on Sponsor Thank You signage displayed in Registration Area.
  • Logo on Sponsor Thank You Page in GPC 2024 Conference Guide.
  • One (1) piece of promotional material provided by the sponsor for insertion in the GPC attendee conference bag.
  • Designation as the Sponsor of one (1) of the GPC Luncheons – Tuesday or Wednesday
  • One (1) Banner (free-standing) displayed at the entrance to the selected Luncheon
  • Logo on Sponsor Thank You signage in the Registration Area.
  • Logo on Sponsor Thank You Page in the GPC 2024 conference guide.
  • One page, full color ad in the GPC 2024 conference guide
  • One (1) complimentary full-conference registration
  • One (1) piece of promotional material provided by the sponsor for insertion in the GPC 2024 attendee conference bag.
  • Appropriate signage displayed at the entrance to the Break area.
  • Logo on Sponsor Thank You signage in the registration area.
  • Logo on Sponsor Thank You page in the GPC 2024 conference guide
  • One piece of promotional material provided by the sponsor for the literature table in registration area.
  • One (1) complimentary full-conference registration

Bags to be supplied by the Sponsor.

Lanyards to be supplied by the Sponsor.

GPC Conference Bag Insert – $500
One (1) piece of promotional material (no larger than 8-1/2 in. x 11 in.) provided by the sponsor.

Digital Signage Screen Sponsor — $500
Image to be supplied by client

Official GPC Conference Guide. The comprehensive GPC 2024 conference guide is distributed to all registered attendees.

Cover positions are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
■ Full Page Color Ad on Outside Back Cover – $1,500 US
■ Full Page Color Ad on Inside Pages – $1,000 US
■ Full Page Color Ad on Inside Front Cover – $1,200 US
■ Full Page Black and White Ad on Inside Pages – $800 US
■ Full Page Color Ad on Inside Back Cover – $1,200 US
■ Half Page Black and White Ad on Inside Pages – $500 US

To learn more about these opportunities, or for questions, please contact Mona Thiel at
(614) 794-5834 or