Instructor: C. Philip Ross, President, Glass Industry Consulting International (GICI)

This course is an introduction to the principles of commercial glass production employed in Batch & Furnace operations by US Glass producers. Raw Materials, Glass Technology & Properties, Melting Furnaces, and Environmental Issues will all be touched upon. Suggested attendees could be vendors or newer individuals to glass manufacturing seeking an introduction to the issues faced in glass production.

Registration: GMIC member $275, general attendee: $325. Includes lunch.

Instructor: Stanley F. Rutkowski III, Senior Applications Engineer, RoMan Manufacturing, Inc.

This course is designed to look at the high electrical power aspects of a glass manufacturing plant, from the Melting/Boosting, through the Distribution and Forming processes.  We will go over control methods used in the processes, component impacts due to size, location and routing of the system.  We will discuss the different aspects of power and power factor and relate them to a power bill.  Questions during the presentation are encouraged to help with clarification or further understanding in a specific topic.

Course attendees will understand:

  • The different aspects of Electrical Power (Real, Reactive and Total Power)
  • What impacts Power Factor
  • Different control methods utilized in Melting/Boosting, Distribution and Forming

Registration: GMIC member $95, general attendee: $145.


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